Just a few of the hundreds of our satisfied clients...

"Judy is fantastic! She's quick, efficient and keeps you updated as she works. She resolved a tricky issue for me on my site in no time at all. She also has a high level of customer service which for me is a make or break when choosing a service provider. Will definitely be keeping Giraffe Web Development on as my web go-to." - TD
"I've worked with Giraffe Web on many projects. If you want your website to show up naturally high in the search engines, no one gets it done like Judy will. She is one of the most knowledgeable web developers in the business. She can hand-code (rare these days) and is up-to-date on all the latest web platforms. She's the real deal....not just a plug and play developer. She also bends over backwards to make edits when you need them and to make sure her clients' websites are safe and up-to-date. I highly recommend Giraffe Web Development & Design." - VB
"Judy is one I can recommend 100% for everything you need for a soup-to-nuts approach. I've known Judy personally for nearly 40 years - we both finished the UGA MBA program in '88. I've also been a client of hers for almost 9 years now, too. She understands, delivers, and supports excellent websites, SEO, social media, and more. Judy understands the 40,000 ft altitude for strategic marketing planning and the minutest details behind effective site design. I could go on, but reach out to Judy - you'll be glad you did!" - SW
"Judy's deep knowledge and continuous improvement on SEO is extremely valuable when you want your business to be found!" - TW
"In a day when most web designers barely know more than plug and play template tools (i.e. Wordpress), it is a relief to find a company that actually knows how to hand-code a website. For the uninitiated, hand-coded sites score FAR better in search engine rankings and credibility than the "el cheapo" sites built on pre-existing platforms. If SEO is important to your business, THIS is the way you need to go. Giraffe Web gets you there." - GG
"Really appreciate the great work done by Judy and her staff. Our website, SEO and virtually any connection to the internet is vital for any company and we are very pleased with their work. Very responsive and always ready to answer questions. Judy will do what is current and best for your business. Highly recommend." - BE